CIGOGNE : Baby Delivery Service _ bug fixed
Post-compo Patch
Ludum Dare 53 - Delivery
CIGOGNE : Baby Delivery Service
Original Version :
- https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/cigognes-baby-delivery-services
- https://thomaslebel.itch.io/cigogne-baby-delivery-service
Music : Arthur Vyncke - Childhood Friend
Instructions :
left mouse button :
- Draw airstream to move Stork and deliver babies to their new family
- Click on witches to stun them, making them drop babies into the sky and flee
right mouse button :
- Click on witches to stun them, making them drop babies into the sky and flee
You have to guide the Storks towards the right family using airstream.
Avoid all obstacles, including others storks and wrong families or you'll drop your babies and loose points
Witches -> Chase your Storks and steal you babies, stun them and get your babies back
/!\ Don't forget to get your baby back
Cloud -> Push your Storks away, can't do anything about that
Aircraft -> Like all planes, they crush birds and babies alike. Avoid them !
Bug Fixes :
- Enemies no longer collide with each others
- Only one enemy of the same type at a time
- Witches are now really clickable, even with left mouse button
- Witches correctly switch to a new target when the first one get killed
- Dropped baby are now displayed above the city
- When delivering a baby to the wrong family, all concerned storks and families are deleted. No more familyless storks and storkless families !
- Airstream are only drawn when the left mouse button is pressed
- Smaller Airstream are correctly working
- They have a more representative shape too
- Sound and music plays in stereo
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | ThomasLebel |
Tags | Ludum Dare 53 |
Links | Ludum Dare |
Cigogne_SourceCode_Patched.zip 29 MB
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Cute game~ Jolly music going along with it aha. :D
Hey there !
Glad you like it :)
Loved the music aswell, hands down to the artist :D